Sunday, May 23, 2010

Horoscope: May 23 2010 My intellect is well respected, and for good reason. Now I should reinforce people's beliefs about me by creating an original insight. Relationships are the biggest subject of concern today, but I should just put that on hold for now. Late today I will approach sensitive subjects in a new light...? The afternoon is a good time to enjoy friends. Friendly conversation I shall enjoy. My career and or basic life may be changing! Today I should establish good relationships with a family member or elder. I shouldn't continue to handle my difficult tasks alone. I should let others help me shoulder the responsibilities.

Analysis: I would hope my intellect is respected every day, even if I don’t come up with new ideas. Anyway, I have to deal with relationship problems of all sorts every day. I didn’t approach anything in a new light though I did enjoy the afternoon with friends. But when don’t I? My career and basic life are certainly not changing to what I know, and or don’t exist, in the case of the former. I didn’t talk to anyone particularly older than me or related to me today. Yikes.

Accuracy: 1 out of 10

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you added these daily astrology posts to show some of the fallacy behind the myth. Personally, I find that the descriptions of my characteristics or personality traits in general are much more accurate than my daily horoscope. Because of this I feel that there is some truth to the myth in that people with similar birth dates share certain characteristics.
