Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Emily, Why Do You Care?

Perhaps I should explain exactly why I'm exploring the validity of Astrology in predicting either life events or personality traits.

My mum has always been really into Astrology. She'd constantly remind me of my "super Aquarius"-ness, as if it was some quality of my being. I always knew that my first three houses in one of my natal charts were Aquarius, apparently a bizarre phenomenon.

The strange thing was that the things she were saying about my personality, resulted from this Astrological research were bizarrely accurate. "How could this be?" I thought. "Astrology is bogus!" I had read horoscopes, I had seen the multiple discrepancies and determined Astrology to be only guesswork.

So why did the personality analysis always hit so close to home?

I decided I should research if this phenomenon just pertained to me, and further, if there was some solid explanation to this bizarre happening.

Even through this, I will always hold true that I am an "Aquarius." A lot of it simply fits me. I'm creative, flowing, detached, talkative, perhaps influential... all things attributed to my natal charts.

Perhaps, though, I'd fit another natal chart just as well. That's where research comes in.

Lets see if we can figure out the power behind Astrology's uncanny ability to appear accurate!


  1. Hey! I'm curious if you have found my natal chart yet? In case you lost it: Born November 12, 1990 in Greenbrae, California at 4 AM. Thanks!

  2. I'll give you a paper copy of it in class-- you can then just write what is/is not accurate, give it a "rating" and return it. So I'll see you monday!

  3. I love this post because I know exactly how you feel. It's funny, that astrology book I lent you I was looking through just 30 minutes ago and thinking how similar all of my personality traits are to what Scorpio's are supposed to be. Listen to this description of me, "People who exhibit the distinctive sign of Scorpio have eyes that look at the world with almost hypnotic intensity. Eye color and shape can vary widely, but if someone looks at you with deep penetration it is a sign of a personality strongly influenced by Scorpio.
    Physical Appearance:
    -broad face with wide forehead and thick neck
    -strongly built body of middle stature
    -generally slender with broad shoulders
    -intense eyes"

  4. That's so funny... earlier today while I was packing I found a little note that had come with a package from my mom for my birthday a while ago, it said "My stunning Aquarius"... I was like oh boy, blogging!

    That physical description is just bizarrely accurate. The thing about Aquarius' in there for me in physical description was semi-accurate too: long-necked, I believe it said, and something about looking good in any clothes... ha!

  5. I love the story of your childhood! I have the same situation with my family. Earlier today, while procrastinating my finals, I read my horoscope in order to get distracted. I've always heard about horoscopes being true. And then when I read in your post I liked how you said "bizarrely accurate."
