Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Women: A Target Audience or a Victim?

In a few of the Astrology-related journals, articles, and sources I read, the authors commented on the focus of Astrology on women. It's true. Horoscopes may be in the daily newspapers, but beyond that they are most commonly found in women's magazines. Honestly, most followers of Astrology seem to be women. Is this because of a trait of women, or because of how Astrology is marketed?

I think it's both, and here's why;

Targeting: If only a specific audience is targeted by this information, it is only reasonable they will be more vulnerable. Without the necessary information, other groups of people are less likely to be interested in Astrology let alone know about it. The very narrow focus on women makes it unlikely that other parties will consider Astrology.

Women: Women are, in general, more emotional. They attempt to understand the relationships they have with others. There is no better way to understand the relationship you have with others than understanding yourself, your traits, and how you affect those around you. Since it is difficult to step back and take an objective look at one's own actions and beliefs, it is much easier to have an external force inform you about yourself. That way, information that seems off can be disregarded: they don't know you. Information that seems relevant and truthful, on the other hand, can explain a lot about oneself.

So ladies, watch out! They want YOU!


  1. I like this connection you made to targeting women. I've never thought about it but it's true. Whenever I read a horoscope it is always out of Cosmopolitan or Seventeen or some magazine like that. But you don't see them in the "unisex" type of magazines like Rolling Stone or something like that. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. This is a really cool insight not expressed by the public today. I feel like this is one of those things that no one sees until it's pointed out. It's like an, "Ohhhhhhh!" moment. This is super awesome!
